A Symphony Across Seas

an ocean or clouds?

an ocean or clouds?

the grief circle
is a village across seas

it is a place for the motherless to be mothers
for the mothers to be mothered

and i'm not afraid to say it
a place where aunties share stories that are wayyyyy way too long
you listen to them, and accept it anyways for that connection across
perspectives (or maybe that's just the young American in me)
I'll probably be one of those aunties one day

it is the place where different generations
share stories
share laughs
share tears
share topics we keep tucked into our pillows at night

sometimes it is an awkward tumble,
cloink-tik-tak-thud, and roll,
so awkward and clunky,
it'll make you want to give up,
make you wonder maybe i shouldn't have started this in the first place

other times
it is a symphony


each person an instrument of their own making
of their own sound
of music you wonder why this is your first time hearing

languages that water your eyes
your heart
your soul

a place where you can share your voice
your story
your courage
your struggle

a place where your journey
bolsters others, where your insight
sprinkles sparkle
into another's glow

it is something akin to a family of strangers who are not perfect
sometimes only one of us has the right words to say,
but oh, those words were just the ones we needed when they came,
not from me, but you.
sometimes, it's only the right ears to listen
marbles of a humanity that span across seas
represented by many nations
and many extraordinary ordinary individuals
and many, many, many, many, many... Many
stealth mode poets

warriors in the making
warriors shining
warriors who are tired
warriors who got discouraged
warriors in need of a place to be watered
and Rest
warriors transforming

a fight with no more bloodshed
where only gardens bloom
and redwoods dig their roots in for centuries

a golden string light trapezing from tree to tree
a spider web glittered with dew drops
connecting each one of us

lighting up
lighting up
lighting up

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Knowing Our Why

