Knowing Our Why

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There's a lot out there about knowing "your why"... which I do think, can be extremely motivating and clarifying. But sometimes... I think we're just not that self-aware 😜 or at the very least, we don’t know or are not ready to accept it or are not used to having space for declaring our preferences. (*Cough cough* certain demographics or times and places where that's not the norm.)

I remember before moving abroad, someone asked me, "Why? Why do you want do to do that?"

At the time, I didn't have a solid WHY that felt weighty enough or strong enough like something I could anchor myself onto to say, “Yes, this is why I want to do it and this is why it’ll be worth it.” At the time, it was only that I wanted to see life from another perspective, I didn’t believe that the mindsets around me were the only way to live, and I wanted to be in a place where English wasn't the main language.

Now, the bi-lingual and multi-cultural Grief Circles seem like an obvious expression of those early and young loves and curiosities; but it's not something I would have fathomed at that time. Only after taking the leap, did the whys slowly and continually reveal themselves.

I think sometimes, we need to know our "why", and other times, we just need to know we want to, like how I like mint chocolate chip ice cream, or prefer forest green boots to heels.

Knowing or not knowing our why doesn’t have to stop us from taking a step and putting ourselves out there. It’s an unnecessary barrier to entry. At this moment, it’s just about putting something different out into the world… Something that might possibly be more healing and nourishing than what is.

So… what’s your next step?

Interested in checking out a bi-lingual Grief Circle?


Building in the Dark


A Symphony Across Seas