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Often, we push for things to stay constant, to be concrete.
We ask for a plan... when what we really want is magic.

Magic for things to fall into place. Magic for love to arrive on our doorstep. Magic for the external to meet our internal.

Magic for everyone
just to get the opportunity to be.

The world really is that... magical.

And too, teachers so much of the time were preparing me for a harsh world. Business deals that could be lost at the drop of a hat. Perfection, otherwise, failure. Seeking for answers, hands raised, until THE answer was offered.

When we are prepared for a harsh world,
we create a harsh world.

The world is on one hand, magical, and on the has been as cruel as it is kind.

"The world is so heavy right now,"

a refrain pushing at us from every side that it might as well be a quote by now. And at the same time, by mere measure of addition, "our" particular personal world, cannot be as heavy as the sum of all the heartache held by all the people in the world, even as it feels ever present and ever invincible at times.

And in that gap,
between the world's heartache
and our own personal heartache...
is space.

A hot pocket.
An opening.

For all that is kind,
lovely, magical, creative,
ingenius, restful, and

And in that space...
we grow whole worlds
that water the cruelty
a little more into kindness.

Have you ever noticed how, you can cross a passerby on the street,
both of you frowning. You smile at them, and suddenly they smile back?

Out of nowhere,
your day is suddenly
a little lighter,

On one hand, it truly is a harsh world,
filled with a cruel history and present,
and we can get crushed between the rocks, or...

On the other hand,
we could see what crumbles
in kindness.

what is the point

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A Symphony Across Seas


The Extraordinary Leadership of “Ordinary” People