Editorial Illustration: Internal Symphony


When you feel like you’ve lost your way, and finally encounter that fighting spirit inside of you again.

Direction Development

  • Direction 1

    Light in the darkness

  • Direction 2

    Searching for water in the desert, discovering the sound of music and following it

  • Direction 3

    Looking out the window and seeing the stars that inspire you or light the way. Leaning into the theme of music (music of your heart) from Direction 2 , I noticed the stars could look like the start of music notes.

Developing Direction 3

Refining Final Direction

  • Work in Progress 1

    After receiving feedback on the piece through a portfolio review that I could lean into the fantastical elements of the piece rather than the realistic elements (i.e. maybe it’s removing the ladder, or painting the whole sky blue), I further developed the piece.

  • Work in Progress 2

    Further removing realistic components by removing the window

  • Work in Progress 3

    Final touches: updating the hair, adding highlights and shadows, playing with the idea of “leaving a mark” and not knowing what seeds you may plant when you listen to the symphony inside of you

Final Piece

Portfolio Review: Beth Walrond via Owen Davey’s Portfolio Chats