A place to water that which lives in our hearts, together.

 The Dream Circle works in conjunction with the Grief Circle, so that we may be seen fully — for how we grieve and what we’ve lost, and also for how we dream and what we wish for. ⁠

The Dream Circle:

The Dream Circle functions similarly to the Grief Circle, but instead of prompts around grief, we have prompts around dreams. Breaking Egg ventures into the space of grief not to stay in it, but to move through it, and to keep dreaming. ⁠

Come access the creative power of art and community and be strengthened, encouraged, solaced, and more through the transformational power of being heard and seen in getting to share our dreams with one another as we move and create through them.


A place to share our dreams — big and small. No judgement. No attachment. We can change our mind at any time.

As we create through words, poetry, art, music, etc. around our dreams, we also move towards creating tangibly in real life.

  • Each Dream Circle centers around 3 prompts to spark conversation and thought. Share your voice through poetry, music, art, story, and more.

  • This ever present prompt is also always available: “Something you’re wrestling with — what are you dreaming of?”

  • Think open mic, but with the theme of dreams (hopes & aspirations), prompts, more intimate, and more interactive.

  • Join from anywhere in the world via Zoom.

  • 90 mins each time.

The Dream Circle believes when we dream out loud, a vibrant, rich, and diverse world is born.

Anyone can dream — no matter circumstance or background. Anyone’s dream can become a gift to themselves and someone else.

A dream cultivated over a period of time becomes a reality. Many dreams made reality becomes a norm. A dreamer’s journey can be lonely and harsh, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be warm, cozy, peaceful, fun, energizing, joyful, full of laughter, and more. Simply by listening with a kind ear, we give sunlight, water, and energy to another’s dreams. What an abundant world we will birth then —

The Dream Circle dreams of a world where there is no competition because each person lives so uniquely, it is simply impossible to replicate one another. In each of us offering our unique gifts, every need is met. Every person feels seen. Every human, plant, and animal is cared for.

We hold the power of dreams expressed. Come, cultivate your dreams.

Even a 1% attempt births something more than no attempt.

The Dream Circles are new, but I suspect each Dream Circle will go something like this:

  1. GUIDING PRINCIPLES, INTROS & SPACE TO CREATE: I share Guiding Principles at the start of the Dream Circle to bring us onto the same page. Everyone introduces themselves. I open the space by reading an opening poem and we spend some time writing and creating together around our dreams.

  2. THIS PROMPT IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE: While the prompts change every time, this prompt is always available, “Something you’re wrestling with — what are you dreaming of?”

  3. PROMPTS: Then we go into the 3 prompts and open sharing. I share my responses to the prompts and invite anyone who would like to share to do the same. We share through poetry, music, art, story, thoughts, or an art form of your choice. You can bring something you’ve prepared, or share spontaneously, it doesn’t have to be buttoned up. The spaces are intimate, so you are invited to share openly, or respond to others in affirming ways if they share something that sparks something for you.

  4. AN INVITATION: If something sparked in the circle for you, I encourage everyone to take one action towards creating the world / experience they dream of that feels good for them — big or small. (I also offer the reminder that, at the end of the day, we’re all responsible for our own decisions. By participating you certify that you can participate in the circle without risk, that all decisions are your own, and that you hold all event organizers harmless of any action or inaction, or any direct or indirect result from attending the event. You understand that this is not a form of coaching or professional advice of any kind.)


Guiding Principles:

I share the guiding principles at the start of each Dream Circle to bring us all on the same page and to keep the space safe.

  • can be anything big or small

  • No need to shrink down

  • If work related, don't take what doesn't belong to you without credit or consent.

    A suggestion to also not to take on other people's dreams and fears if they are not yours — it's all good to stay true to you, your experiences, and your blueprint.

    We elect not to move through a space of "shoulds".

  • And keep what is shared in the circle private, unless shared publicly elsewhere.

  • Probably not the place to share top secret info :p

  • Only share suggestions / ideas / advice if they ask for it, but yes, let’s cheer each other on

  • At the end of the day, we’re all responsible for our own decisions. By participating you certify that you can participate in the circle without risk, that all decisions are your own, and that you hold all event organizers harmless of any action or inaction, or any direct or indirect result from attending the event. You understand that this is not a form of coaching or professional advice of any kind.

  • We hope that acting in accordance with our heart will also bring us to safety and success, but there are no guarantees.