Artboard 73Sig.png

Wolfgang’s Big Adventure

Birthday Gift

Jen commissioned this piece to celebrate her son’s first year of life.

Wolfgang loves looking at trees, and inspired by his name, the piece illustrates him as a wolf pup.

As a singer and songwriter, Jen often sings him a song she wrote for him: “Wolfgang’s Big Adventure.” The lyrics are found in the wind.

Initially I had written the lyrics as “Wolfgang’s Big Afventure”. When I gave the digital file to Jen, she asked, “I think there is a letter ‘f’ in ‘adventure’ instead of a ‘d?’”

Apparently there had been a typo in the original text she had sent. I just went with it, knowing her music, as I thought it was a fun creative part of the song, perhaps like a howling sound that a wolf pup might make.

While I replaced the “F” with a “D” for the final piece, I’m glad the typo happened because whole experience gave me a warm laugh.